Playing with WYSIWYG

Test for Symplectic

Test for file replacement

Does it make a difference what widget you use?

link tool tip mouse text

Test for horizontal menu

Choose layout: 


Insert table:


Users Images Accessibility Another Another


Horizontal bulletless list:

Test Excel file

How does an Excel file insert?


Object Red Green Orange
Chair Yes 12 No
Table N/a 4 Yes
Mat No No 20
Cushion 5 Yes 15




Object Red Green Orange
Chair Yes 12 No
Table N/a 4 Yes
Mat No No 20
Cushion 5 Yes 15



Content here in left hand column

Content here in right hand column


Paste in from Excel and remove formatting:

Furniture inventory
Object Red Green Orange
Chair Yes 12 No
Table N/a 4 Yes
Mat No No 20
Cushion 5 Yes 15


Second inventory
Object Red Green Orange
Chair Yes 12 No
Table N/a 4 Yes
Mat No No 20
Cushion 5 Yes 15


Paste in and select Styles data table:

Another pasted in inventory
Object Red Green Orange
Chair Yes 12 No
Table N/a 4 Yes
Mat No No 20
Cushion 5 Yes 15


Object Red Green Orange
Chair Yes 12 No
Table N/a 4 Yes
Mat No No 20
Cushion 5 Yes 15


This is to test alternative WYSIWYG. This is H2. H1 not there.

Here is some text. And some more text.

What can I hear through the open window? It doesn't sound like birds. This is written in normal text.

It is sunny today. I am saving this widget now to test how it will display on mobile preview.

This is the Twitter icon



Christmas Peaceful Piano

Johnny Cash Christmas Show [1970]

Annoying seasonal tunes

Christmas Peaceful Piano
